On the last Saturday ‘winter walk’ of the season we walked from Chrysokellaria to the end of the track along mount Zarnaoura…
It was a fairly hot day, with a nice breeze – although this guy plainly thought we were mad hiking uphill in that sun!
It was a day of blue skies, fluffy clouds, turquoise seas and lots of yellow butterflies….
Guess these are the forecast rainclouds shown on Accuweather!
a day of good dirt tracks….and meeting new people….
and views……and space……
We took a shady lunch-stop at Ag. Yeorgos Church….
On the track we met Panayotis from Vassilitsi who told us the story attached to this church….”One day, many years ago a young girl went missing from Chrysokellaria. The villagers searched day and night with the Police but there was no sign of the girl anywhere. This was about fifty years ago, when the roads were practically non existant. Two days later the girl was found at Panagia Elistria Church in Koroni. When asked how she came to be there she said she had been out on the cape when she was snatched up by an old woman wearing black who carried her safely over the sea to Panagia Elistria. The woman, who now lives near Pylos, decided to build the church of Ag. Yeorgos a few years ago in memory of this event.”
Views over Chrysokellaria, with Harakopio in the distance…..
and post-walk refreshments and honey from the barrel in the kafeneon in Chrysokellaria. A lovely day – thank’s everyone.