Sketching the Monastery – Ag. Theo (Homatero)

It was back to the shade of the giant oak tree, in the grounds of Ag. Theodori, for our on location session this week… 

Drawing this delightfully, aged and crumbling building is more challenging than you’d think…

There’s lots of sightings to take and angles to measure….endless wonky tiles plus an odd assortment of brickwork and peeling plaster to somehow show on the page……

a painting awaits around every corner…..there’s so much choice of subject matter….

Everyone did really well in capturing their view of the place…..

and even though it wasn’t quite so hot….for managing four hours of straight concentration….

minus a brief coffee-break and warm-up, blind-contour drawing time…

But where does the time go?…….

the morning flew by….and we reluctantly left the shade of the giant oak tree, and went off in search of lunch.

Well done everyone for producing some fabulous work today.


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