The final week of the Continuation Sketching class saw us out in the garden practising sighting (informal perspective) …..
the subjects were humble doors, windows and garden objects – anything that allowed the practice of drawing angles and relationships….
such as this little collection of ten minute drawings, above….
Some fabulous drawings had also been produced during the week for ‘homework’…
The brief had been to draw anything that would be useful practice following last weeks class on values (light and shade)……
which this beautifully executed pile of stones does very well….
as does this boules ball….
and this lovely lost-and-found mug, and sphere….
and if you could see them better – so do these lovely pencil drawings (apologies for the shaky photography!)
nice drawings…shame about the photo….
phew…the shakes have gone….lovely drawing and painting here….
The coffee break ended abruptly with a shower of rain, so we continued in the studio, turning our attention to the use of text in a sketchbook….
Here’s some that was done earlier….complete with a portrait of me in action!
Well done everyone – very good work – keep it up! See you soon.