Rainy Days, Cats & Collage in the Studio

It’s been really cosy in my little studio in Greece recently. Most days I’ve had all the lights and heating on, while heavy rain drums on the roof and gushes down the lane.

Harakopio, winter, rain

When it rains here, it really rains. I love it – it’s not like the endless grey drizzle that dominates an English winter, this is more like Zeus weather – dramatic and bold, with torrential showers followed by brilliant bursts of sunshine.

art, studio, Harakopio, artists window, gill tomlinson, painting

The studio’s all of two metres from my house, and Horis, who is officially a street cat we have semi-adopted (or was it the other way round?) likes to ambush me as I cross the road clutching a hot mug of tea and piles of papers.

cat, greece, art

He’s not really allowed inside, although I have often relented in the winter months and quite enjoy the company. It’s fine when he’s sleeping peacefully on a rug or a chair, although he can be less than helpful when in a restless mood and wanting to explore the desk!

greek. cat, art, studio

He is particularly skilled at sitting on precisely the papers I need to work with – I’m not sure collage and cats really mix, although he does have a very good eye for composition and colour!

greece, cats, artists, studios


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