Painting-in-stages: Blue Shutters

Started back in November, and finally finished over the weekend – here’s the story of this little acrylic painting.

It was painted under the supervision of Art-Buddy Jackie Sherwood, who’s been teaching her user-friendly technique in some acrylic painting workshops in the studio….

Working from a photo I took a couple of years ago, of an old house in Finikounda, here I’ve blocked in the basic shapes and drawn into it with some fabulous, waterproof, ink-on-a-stick…

Continuing to add colour and define shapes….

Here’s the photo on the left. Starting to add opaque paint and the first of many whites, on the right…

Going back-and-forth (and slightly mad!) with the paint and the ink and the layers….almost loosing the plot trying to get that wall looking right…

Am finally happy with my ‘white’ walls and am calling this one finished! (although the photo shows it as being a bit of a dubious colour, it looks quite good, honest)

Many thanks to Jackie Sherwood for instruction, advice and hand-holding along the way:


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2 thoughts on “Painting-in-stages: Blue Shutters”

  1. The paintings look very good Gill. I am looking forward to seeing this and the ‘sunken boat’ in the flesh on Friday.

  2. Jackie Sherwood

    A great set of blogs Gill. Your finished acrylic paintings do look great (even better in reality!) and your perserverance and hard work has definitely paid off, despite the wobbly moments! Its wonderful for people to be able to see the (admittedly, rather drawn out) process as it comes together. Keep up the good work – I love the stamping too! JS

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