Methoni Tamarisks

This week’s ‘On Location’ group met under the shady tamarisk trees, on Methoni town beach.

This proved to be a perfectly pleasant, if rather breezy spot in which to spend the morning sketching……

It offered a good choice of subject matter, including a fabulous view of the Bourtzi; Methoni castle walls, and little harbour….

as well as the tempting contours of Sapienza island….

and an assortment of bobbing yachts.

Our leafy shade-givers also proved to be excellent models….

as did this charming changing hut. You can just see some of this artist’s warm-up work peeking out below this drawing. We started off today with a little ‘wrong-handed drawing’, some ‘continuous line drawing’ and a spot of ‘blind contour drawing’.

A brave choice of subject matter here – nicely and speedily drawn at the end of the morning.

and another view of that cute little changing cubicle and shower on Methoni beach and a quick sketch of the wooden hut by the road….

plus, a final, fabulously atmospheric rendition of the Bourtzi and castle.

Today’s on location challenges included the wind; lots of beaching holidaymakers and bathing locals plus the gentleman who placed his beach chair precisely two feet in front of one of the sketchers, obscuring her view!

Well done everyone for your commitment and concentration today – this venue was much more public and considerably busier than the other venues to date.


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