Local Fundraising for Fire Victims

KorAlli is a legally registered local group who collect funds to help people in need. This is done variously through subscriptions and donations… and pre-Covid, by holding events such as Bazaars. Membership starts at only €10 per year.

KorAlli operates a second-hand clothing bank in Koroni and anyone who needs clothes can pick out what they want. Others can donate clothes they no longer need. They used to have a store front in the town – like a typical UK charity shop, but due to a sharp increase in the rent, they now operate the clothing donations/collections out of a non-storefront premises in Koroni.

KorAlli liaises with local communities and gives out vouchers for food to those in need – usually around Easter and Christmas time. The vouchers can then be exchanged at local supermarkets who participate in the scheme.

If you’d like to know more about the organisation you can email: koralli2018@gmail.com.

I’m a member of KorAlli and attend their annual general meetings and receive their email updates. I’ve decided to publish a recent email from them concerning help for people who suffered losses during the recent, catastrophic fires in our area… in case any of you are interested in becoming a KorAlli member and/or donating. Thank You…

“Dear friends of KorAlli,

Our area has been hit by the terrible fires that have been raging across Greece this summer. For two days a huge fire ravaged the hills between Livadakia (which was surrounded by flames) and Vassilitsi, stretching from the hilltops to the sea, engulfing Lakoules and Koukoura. Thousands of trees were destroyed and several homes were completely burned down.

In addition to the loss of property, the destruction of olive groves means many villagers have seen their main source of income disappear. For them, the coming months and years will be a huge struggle. A partially burned olive tree is unproductive for 5-7 years. It takes 15 years for a new olive tree to produce properly, which means years without income.

Locally, this year’s harvest is lost, farm labourers will have little work during the winter and the land owners will have no income to employ workers to maintain their land in the months that follow….

For the moment, KorAlli can cope with requests for help, but from the autumn, but by the winter our budget will no longer allow us to intervene at a time when the need for help will increase. To be able to act, we are reliant on your generosity. Elsewhere in Greece, the damage is already considerable, fires continue all over the country, the summer is not over and we fear there may be more fires locally……

If you are able to help us, you can make a transfer to the KorAlli account:

IBAN : GR3101103890000038900208349 / BIC : ETHNGRAA

Thank you in advance.


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