Sadly the weather wasn’t very co-operative for Saturday’s Bazaar at the horse-riding stables near Chrani….
Hot sunshine was interspersed with clouds and sudden showers later in the morning. Fortunately I’d remembered to bring some plastic sheeting, which saved my stock of (all!) paper products from the elements.
The weather resulted in a lower turnout than usual, and there were fewer stalls than there might have been. Such a pity for the organisers, after putting so much work into setting up the event.
Those of us who were there, however, enjoyed a very pleasant day of shopping, chatting, watching the kids on horses, eating and lounging around listening to music.
My stall was situated opposite two of my Mixed Media students’ stalls, so this is the very colourful and pleasing view I had of their lovely work….
It’s great to see how people can learn a technique in a workshop and run with it – making their own artwork and products with their individual stamp on them….Well done Ladies.
This was my first Bazaar in ages, and I really enjoyed taking part, despite the sudden, heavy downpour that brought an end to the afternoon and sent us all fleeing for the cars with our stock!