Homework, Accordions, Viewfinders…. and New Materials

The homework brief had been to completely fill the accordion sketchbooks made last week. We had started with some lovely leaf studies in class, which were continued at home. The subject matter for the facing side was up for grabs…

However…I hadn’t fully registered that increasing the length of the books would produce so many pages…. 

One measly section had looked pretty skimpy….

So I generously encouraged everyone to double up….

But it seems they ended up with fourteen ‘pages’ to fill!

But fill them they did….and very beautifully too….

I felt quite guilty for making them work so hard all week….

but was thrilled with the fabulous results and the excellent standard of drawing & painting.

I loved the variety of layout ideas and seeing how different people had interpreted the brief…

and how people had come up with different ideas for creative covers and fastenings…

We spent a long time reviewing these splendid little books, before getting down to the morning’s work….starting with making a viewfinder… 

Before the coffee break (inside!) everyone set about producing a series of small thumbnail sketches – zooming in and out to give a good variety of compositions.

We then chose our favourite composition and re-produced it as a larger-scale drawing/painting in a new sketchbook…

Everyone was encouraged to try out new-to-them art materials such as watercolour crayons; coloured pencils; liquid watercolours….

Pen & Ink; brush pens; different types of paint…..

Inktense pencils; Rotring art pens; Tombow markers; Lamy pens, etc…

Here they are, hard at work in the studio. Well done ladies – really great homework as well as some lovely classwork and a willingness to experiment with the materials.


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