
An all-female ‘on location‘ sketching group descended on Evangelismos this week.

We set up camp on the shady terrace of Fotis taverna (which remained resolutely closed for the entire morning!) and started the day with a drawing exercise in sighting & measuring.

This was a rather left-brained departure from our usual warm-up activity, so we followed on with a quick blind contour drawing, before setting off in search of coffee, open loos, and finally…. drawing subjects.

Here are some of the fruits of the mornings labours – a pretty impressive collection, especially as we didn’t settle down to do our ‘proper drawings‘ until after 11am today!

There were tempting textures everywhere, with plenty of rusty old metal and crumbling plasterwork…

as well as some restored houses here and there…

The light, however, was changing all the time, which made capturing the light somewhat challenging.

Congratulations everyone – good work – especially considering the left-brain torture I put you through; the stream of interruptions; terrible traffic (!); lack of loos and readily available caffeine this morning! 

Many thanks to Jackie for taking the photos this week, as my camera lay neatly filed in a drawer at home!


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2 thoughts on “Evangelismos”

  1. Oh dear Gill, it looks as though I missed a good one on Thursday! It is not as though I have done much by way of drawing during my absence. Given the time I have had at my disposal, thus far I have spoiled very little paper, but I have enjoyed pottering hither and thither and soaking up the atmosphere of new places.
    Through an arty chum in Barcelona, currently heavily into arty knitting, I have found a new blog that might interest you – lots of lovely little drawings! Do have a look at: http://denisehughesart.blogspot.com/
    As ever,
    J x

    1. You were missed on Thursday John – it wasn’t the same without you. Evangelismos offered a wealth of subject matter which won’t go away….we can always re-visit, although the lack of Fotis and the locked loos may not be an inducement! I was hoping you’d have loads of Kythira pages in your sketchbook by now? Too busy exploring eh? Have a good time and see you when you get back.

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