Yesterday was the first meet up of the year for our on location sketching group, so we met at one of my favourite spots, lovely Koroni harbour. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, however….
At 9.30am it was so chilly I was wondering whether I had been a little too hopeful in scheduling a meeting for that day. We found a sunny corner of an outdoor cafe and started our session with hot coffee, arty chat and a flip through sketchbooks.
After an extended catch up and a quick warm up left-handed drawing, we ventured off to our respective sketching spots around Koroni harbour…
The chill wind was a bit of a challenge, especially near the boats, which was where I rather fancied sketching.
I managed to break in my beautiful new Stillman & Birn sketchbook with a hasty drawing of this little beauty before needing to seek shelter and a mug of hot chocolate back at the cafe.
Everyone managed the climatic conditions admirably and a jolly good collection of artwork was produced by lunchtime. Well done guys.