Carnival week celebrations in Finikounda

There was a mock-wedding in Finikounda on Sunday 27th Feb, with a beautiful, blushing, six-foot bride, and a somewhat shorter groom. It seemed the whole village was in fancy dress, and some had made such an effort (such as Sonia, the groom) they were unrecognisable. There were witches, princesses, doctors, prisoners, belly dancers, men-dressed-as women, women-dressed-as-men, everywhere, and a great party atmosphere.

We almost missed the ceremony, as it was performed bang on time at 1pm.

After a drink and meze in one of the cafes, we checked out the dancing, which was being led by a dubious looking character with long wig and moustache. At some point I was grabbed by him and launched into the Kalamatiano – the local dance of choice for such occasions. It was some time before I realised he was Agis, my Greek dance teacher from last winter!

I’m fine with the Kalamatiano…..but not so good at the shiftytelly, which unfortunately came on as soon as I was on the dancefloor!


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