There was plenty of space in the studio this week on the Acrylic Painting Course….
Peoples various commitments (including being out of the country), meant we were down to two students and two tutors!
So we had a very laid back morning with quite a bit of initial discussion about the painting process and art materials….
Here’s Jackie Sherwood’s demonstration painting at the end of the third week…
This fab piece belongs to one of the students…
and this is the lovely work of the other student….
This one’s mine (as well as the two in the second photo down). I really enjoyed doing some painting on all three, under Jackie’s guidance.
The paintings are coming on really well, with the colours really starting to glow, and forms come together. Next week, hopefully our missing course members will return and we can all ‘finish off’ our artwork. To see more of Jackie’s paintings have a look at: